View of mountains from Johnson City, TN

General Auto Services

Preventative Auto Maintenance

Your vehicle is one of your lifelines and the longer that a machine runs, the more maintenance it will need.

A good bit of general maintenance for a vehicle can be done in a parking lot. Things like changing windshield wipers, air filters, and headlights, can all be done in a few minutes as long as you have the tools and parts. However, going to the store and getting the correct part can often be a hassle; especially after a long day at work. So, call Handy Red and schedule your general auto maintenance while you’re at work, on your day off, or whenever convenient. Now serving Johnson City, TN and the Tri-Cities area.

Changing Air Filters, Windshield Wipers, and More

Diesel Filters on a 2017 Chevy Colorado
Diesel Filters on a 2017 Chevy Colorado

Battery Terminal Repair
Battery Tie-down Replacement
Air Filter Replacement
Cabin Air Filter Replacement
Windshield Wipers Replacement
Headlight Bulb Replacement
Taillight Bulb Replacement
Taillight Assembly Replacement
Mirror Installation
Brake Pedal Switch Replacement
Secure Body Panels
and more…